Dennis Thorgesen - Frega Consultant


Dennis is a frega user who has almost daily experience in (Frega) client consulting, multi-platform development testing, and providing support for multi-application websites/apps, these are inside and outside of the Frega ecosystem.


He has been a Chief marketing officer (CMO) and became CEO of an electronic marketing firm. In every position held or business he has run, two things stand out. His belief is life and business should be simple and fun. People quickly see he truly cares about everyone.


Here's what other people have to say:


Frega holds many benefits for those who know how to use it


Frega is a growing collection of applications


It is a whole economic and social ecosystem in itself. Some people use it for business purposes, some use it for investment purposes and/or making money, and some just use it as a social platform to expand their sphere of influence.   


Each of these avenues have a lot to offer.   


However, Frega is probably unlike anything you have ever seen. It was built around a specific vision of an inclusive socio-economic ecosystem, and it is still evolving. Nothing inside Frega is a copy of anything else, so things work differently.   


Frankly, some people find it quite intimidating. Others try to figure it out for themselves. They find it takes so long to understand it that they lose valuable time along the way. This is time that could have been better applied if they had a consultant to show them the way things work. 


How can a Frega consultant help you?



On the one hand, due to Frega's uniqueness, some things work differently than on other platforms. Having a consultant to guide you will allow you to get a handle on everything as quickly as possible, while learning at a tempo that suits your individual needs. Your consultant you will find is also an accountability coach.   


On the other hand, Frega is set up to fulfill three types of needs: Business, financial, and social. Whichever one you choose to pursue, it is likely that you will need to use parts of the other two in order to extract the maximum possible benefit. The consultant you choose is there to answer your who, what, where, when, and why questions.  


Having a Frega consultant at your disposal will - quite simply - help you to get the most out of the platform, as quickly as possible. This is with fewer headaches than those who attempt it on their own.


And that brings us to the next question:



Why choose Dennis as a consultant?



So what's next?

80% of running a business is why. 20% is how.


If you have the why, please click below to learn how to take your business to a higher level:




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